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Klaukkala Bypass Road

The length of the road is approximately 7.5 km in the central urban area of Klaukkala. It runs through a new terrain corridor, connecting to the existing highway 3 at the Western end near Numlahti on highway 132. The starting point for the plan was the revision of the General Plan 2005, completed in 2012, and the alignment option VE1 according to the general plan. Four grade-separated interchanges were constructed for the bypass road (Hämeenlinnanväylä (highway 3), Hämeenlinnantie (road 130), Luhtajoentie, and Kirkkotie), along with associated road and street arrangements, pedestrian and bicycle paths. The plan also included arrangements for public transportation stops and noise control solutions required by existing and new residential areas. The design involved 6 bridges and approximately 20 different road connections and ramps.

Pohjatekniikka Oy was responsible for the geotechnical design of the project. The contractor was Kreate Oy, with Finnmap Infra Oy as the main designer.

All bridges were founded on piles. Significant aspects of the geotechnical design included foundations in soft soils. Methods such as strip pile driving and preloading were extensively used. The actual settlements corresponded to the calculated ones and were partly smaller. No settlements have been observed after the road’s commissioning.

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    Pohjatekniikka Oy Nuijamiestentie 5 B00400 Helsinki
    +358 9 4777 510
    Pohjatekniikka Oy Ispoisten kiertotie 46 20330 Turku
    +358 50 404 8913
    Viageo Oü Mahtra 50a Tallinn 13812
    +372 606 6185
    Pohjatekniikka © 2024