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Preventing Damage to Environmental Structures

Construction can have adverse effects on environmental structures, which is why it’s crucial to strive to prevent their damage. Before commencing construction work, it’s essential to assess how the activities may impact environmental structures and how to preserve them. We develop a carefully planned construction plan that includes measures to prevent damage to environmental structures.

The plan specifically considers sensitive areas and structures in the environment. We utilize various techniques and methods, such as vibration measurements and structural support, to ensure that construction activities do not cause harm to environmental structures. We aim to strike an optimal balance between construction and environmental protection to minimize damage and maintain the integrity of environmental structures.

Environmental studies

For building permits, zoning, and environmental permits, our services include:

  • Groundwater investigations, assessments, and protection planning
  • Noise measurements and noise control planning
  • Stormwater assessments and management planning
  • Nature and landscape assessments
  • Flood assessments
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and permit applications

Environmental monitoring measurements

In a detailed excavation plan, we consider the sensitive structures and equipment in the environment. Vibration limits are defined as the basis for planning. We also conduct vibration measurements during excavation and piling work. For excavation, we seek the most economical, functional, and timely solution while minimizing risks. When building on soft areas, we monitor environmental movements using inclinometer measurements and also conduct pore pressure measurements.

Environmental assessment

Construction always impacts the environment. Before starting excavation and piling work, it’s essential to assess how the work will affect the environment and how it can be done without causing harm. We develop a detailed excavation plan with environmental assessments and risk management plans..

Get in Touch

    Pohjatekniikka Oy Nuijamiestentie 5 B00400 Helsinki
    +358 9 4777 510
    Pohjatekniikka Oy Ispoisten kiertotie 46 20330 Turku
    +358 50 404 8913
    Viageo Oü Mahtra 50a Tallinn 13812
    +372 606 6185
    Pohjatekniikka © 2025