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Soil investigations

We conduct soil and rock investigations, which include preparatory fieldwork, soil drilling investigations, including bedrock surface confirmation, using methods employed in Finland, laboratory analyses, and reports about the results.

Additionally, the service includes the installation of inclinometers and groundwater pipes.

We excavate test pits using our own excavator.

Get in Touch

    Pohjatekniikka Oy Nuijamiestentie 5 B00400 Helsinki
    +358 9 4777 510
    Pohjatekniikka Oy Ispoisten kiertotie 46 20330 Turku
    +358 50 404 8913
    Viageo Oü Mahtra 50a Tallinn 13812
    +372 606 6185
    Pohjatekniikka © 2024