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Hotel Paasitorni, located in Hakaniemi, Helsinki, was built in 1905. The site has a colorful history, including hosting V.I. Lenin in 1917, where he planned the Russian Revolution. The client for the project was the Helsinki Workers’ Association, which developed the site for accommodation and training services.

Hotel Paasitorni, located in Hakaniemi, Helsinki, was built in 1905. The site has a colorful history, including hosting V.I. Lenin in 1917, where he planned the Russian Revolution. The client for the project was the Helsinki Workers’ Association, which developed the site for accommodation and training services.

The project was extremely challenging due to the excavation work next to and under the massive stone/brick walls, which were about 20 meters high, and in some areas, within the interior spaces. Furthermore, the excavation extended approximately 5 meters below sea level. Lowering the groundwater was not allowed due to the nearby Hakaniemi Market Square’s wooden pile foundations and settlement-sensitive municipal infrastructure. Excavation under existing structures required multi-phase supports and pre-tensioned steel structures. The foundation work was completed in the summer of 2011.

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